Bad Shepherd Pink Gin Fizz 355mL – 4 Pack


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About a year on from teaming up with their fellow south-east Melbourne craft booze makers at That Spirited Lot Distillery, Bad Shepherd are back bringing beer and spirits together. In 2021, it was Gin Fizz Sour and now the beer is Pink Gin Fizz which uses the distillery’s Turkish Delight-replicating Gram Bizarre Gin.

It’s certainly a beer that looks about as pink as a slice of (or is “cube” the correct nomenclature?) Turkish Delight too, with its bright hue faithfully making it look like a summer cocktail. The aroma is one of roses, botanicals and berries, with fruit flavours sitting somewhere between strawberry and raspberry, while a lively carbonation and tart finish both lead to a sharp and refreshing finish.