Tenjaku Japanese Gin 700ml


The botanicals combine to create an earthy spice, full bodied aromatic taste layered with piny juniper, zesty citrus, nutty oils, spices and a hint of sweetness before ending with light lavender notes with a balanced peppery finish.
Nose is heavy with juniper, with a peppery undertone. Contains a faint coriander bouquet with a slight touch of lemon citrus aroma.
The finish is crisp and medium to long in length.

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The production takes place in Fuefuki, a region rich in natural resources and surrounded by mountains: two national parks to the north and west, and the spectacular Mount Fuji to the south. Concentrated spring waters emerge in this valley after passing the subsoil with porous washing stones.

A gin capable of transmitting the Zen spirit of Japan, bringing the human being into serenity and harmony with nature.


Additional information

Alcohol Volume





700 ml

Liquor Style


Brand Name
